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Do’s & Don’ts – how different autumn foods affect your skin

Summer is already coming to an end, but this should not be an occasion for melancholic thoughts and a nostalgic mood. Every season has its advantages. One of the most significant advantages of autumn is that autumn fruits and vegetables can be added to our menu again, which play an important role in restoring the skin’s elasticity. And they are also vital for us to be in good health.

In this article, you will find useful information about all the irresistible-tasting products that help improve the overall skin appearance, thanks to their rich composition of vitamins and nutrients. We will also pay attention to all those which, for one reason or another, should be avoided. Of course, with food, it is most important not to go to extremes and not to consume anything in excessive quantities, even if it is healthy.

The food we eat, combined with what we avoid, can be a powerful tool in improving the appearance of the skin. Nourishment of the body begins from within. One of the most popular autumn products, which has a positive

effect on the skin, is pumpkin. Pumpkin has a high content of beneficial beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid. An interesting fact is that our body naturally “makes” retinol from carotenes, which is the main ingredient of many “revolutionary” anti-wrinkle creams. This compound also helps prevent acne by reducing inflammation and promoting cell turnover. Substances in pumpkin help strengthen the skin’s defenses against bacteria that can cause flare-ups and are helpful in protecting against sun damage.

Even pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A and K, and Omega-3 fatty acids. The content of fatty acids and vitamin C help to produce sebum, which protects and restores the skin.

Another autumn food that has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin is the apple. This tasty fruit keeps the skin healthy and beautiful. Apples are rich in vitamin C, which acts as a natural skin lightener during the months when sunlight is scarce. They help build collagen and maintain copper levels in the skin, which supports cell renewal. Also, apples contain

fruits and vegetables

flavonoids which are one of the most powerful antioxidants.

An interesting and extremely tasty autumn fruit that provides a rich cocktail of substances useful for the skin is pomegranate. It also contains catechin, which is a highly active antioxidant. This antioxidant prevents the degeneration of connective skin tissue and can slow down aging. Pomegranate seeds contain punicic and ellagic acids, which reduce wrinkles. These micronutrients help retain moisture in the skin.

Of course, there are many other autumn fruits, vegetables, and foods that are very healthy and beneficial to the skin. Such are beets, parsnips, cranberries, pears, honey, etc. There are also foods whose excessive consumption leads to the manifestation of various skin problems and ailments. Such are salt, bread, fatty meat, etc.

Consuming a large amount of salt dehydrates the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Salt can be the cause of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and puffiness, and also the development of acne. Think about it the next time you decide to add extra salt to your food.

White bread is a food that has a high glycemic index. Such foods cause acne, but can also be linked to premature aging. Foods with a high glycemic index raise blood sugar levels, leading to a process called glycation. In this process, sugar molecules attach to the collagen in the skin. This causes the collagen to harden so it breaks rather than bends, resulting in wrinkles and an unsightly appearance. Other such foods are white pasta and potatoes.

Most meats are high in saturated fat. These fats are associated with high concentrations of insulin growth factor, which stimulates the production of sex hormones. In turn, they can increase the skin’s susceptibility to acne. Excessive consumption of processed meats can dry out the skin and weaken collagen production because they contain high sodium levels.

When it comes to food, as already mentioned, it is good not to overeat. The consumption of fruits and vegetables that are typical for the respective season has the greatest benefits both for the good condition of our skin and for our overall health.